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New Zealand Jade - our raw material

Jade - mysterious, mystical, desired - but does it have spiritual powers?

09 Jan 2018 6 Comments


Does jade have mystical powers? Is it a 'healing' stone?

Does it bring the wearer luck and good health? 

We're curious to find out what you think - do you wear jade? Does it have a special meaning for you? Share your thoughts and experiences - read on and join the discussion.....

Jade has long been revered as a stone with special properties and uses. Some of these stemmed from the need for tough and robust tools and weapons, and some are more esoteric and spiritual - like the ancient tradition of casting a jade stone into the well as an offering to the water spirits, or wearing jade to remove the bad spirits from your body.

For around 6,000 years jade has held a very special place in a number of civilisations as a treasured stone. The Chinese have the longest recorded history of use. They value jade for its beauty and power to heal - it is their most revered stone. 

So what can jade do for you....

Well, if you accept its wide use as being a true reflection of jade's healing and mystical properties, here's a brief summary of the benefits wearing jade will bring.

It will:

  • Comfort and soothe, regulate cardiac rhythm and calm your nerves
  • Re-energise the weary - hold and handle a jade stone or pendant and you will be re-vitalised
  • It protects your children and pets from becoming lost or injured when travelling
  • It is the stone of love - promoting close and true relationships, and it is believed to help people find love later in life
  • Jade will help you overcome feelings of guilt
  • It is believed to be a support stone for professionals, improving their decision making - particularly for those in the caring professions like doctors, nurses and healers
  • Carved in a faith symbol shape, jade is worn by military personnel to protect and inspire them
  • Bring harmony and happiness into business and family relationships

There are many other qualities jade is believed to have.... one thing is certain, it has a backstory, it's tough and very beautiful and it's gifted and worn by millions of people for their own personal reasons.



In New Zealand jade pendants are highly valued for their natural beauty but also for the spiritual or symbolic meaning their various shapes represent. Many are regarded as Taonga, or treasures, and are handed down through families becoming significant heirlooms. They form a part of the family history and are treated as family members.

What do you think? Share with us your reason for wearing a jade pendant, or armband, or why you carry a piece in your pocket.

Kia ora, Bo 


30 May 2022 Chinonso Anionwo

I love and visit the high Sea on a regular
Offered cola to the Gods and Goddess of the Water
Received a lemon green ringed white Jade, thankful to the Spirit and happily wearing this Gift.
It is influencing me to join the Mariners

29 Mar 2022 Wendy Addison

Many years ago I was given a beautiful carved white jade pendant veined with green, exquisitely carved and encased with a gold frame. My heart broke when I lost it. I wore it all the time, and never replaced it. Recently I bought a plain pendant and ring. The moment I put them on I .began to feel changes physical and mental. Thoughts are lucid and am not stressed.

06 Jun 2020 Bruce

I am wearing jade pendant for nearly 12 years now non-stop and had never taken it off, honestly it has brought me lots of luck and protection to my life and ever since i have had luck at any business transaction that i did. i am so happy with jade pendant and have a collection of tem now. Besides its a very cool art to wear.
I would also like to thank ( Bo ) for doing such a good job with Jade stones .
Thank you so much

13 Sep 2019 Sandra

Kia ora,
In 2005 I visited NZ and bought 4 jade pendants, 2 for my daughters, 1 for my husband and 1 for myself. I wore them cause my cousin told me that al positive vibes from me get into the jade. So had to wear them for 2 weeks, I did. When I came home the pendant for my husband wasn’t right, it became mine in these 2 weeks and the one I bought for myself wasn’t mine anymore but suited my husband. Was a special experience. I still wear my jade, every day and night(my kids and husband don’t wear them, just occasionally). Sometimes it takes my breathe and than I put it down for a few days and then put it back on. It is who I am, people don’t recognize me but my jade. I love it, there is a small piece missing but that is okay, The story of my life is in my jade. It tells who I am and what happened in my life. I was looking for a new one but it feels like I betray my current jade so I let it be. I will buy a new one when I loose this one but for now I won’t. I think it helps me; there is never a dull moment in my life, mostly positive sometimes less positive. But it gives me a bit of peace just touching it.
I can’t think of not having it on my neck. So thank you unknown artist of my pendant; thanks for making this beautiful piece of art and all the love, time and energy you put in it. I am happy, very happy! Thanks, Sandra

16 May 2019 Linda Rose🌹

Do you happen to have a Mermaid pendant in the JADE?? I just Love the Designs😊😘

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